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Types of Calculators: Scientific, Graphing and Programmer etc.

Would you like to know how many types of Calculators available from Microsoft Windows 10 and above operating system? If yes, here you go for the details.
If you are using the latest MS then you can go to the Start button option or directly to Calculator from MS Windows. You would first find Standard Calculator as default. But, if you use the 3 line option (top left) clicking then there will be many options for Calculators.

They are nothing but Scientific, Graphing, Programmer and Date Calculation calculators other than Standard one. This option from MS Windows is really helpful for particular professionals and experts.
This is one of the important tools for almost many students and professionals.

Also, you would get some more options over there. Yes. Converter. Under the converter section, you would get Currency calculators for using exchange rate, Volume calculators is next, Length, Weight and mass, Temperature, Energy, Area, Speed and Time calculators and on.
These are some of them which generally many don't know or don't use. They are very useful for certain users and if you are unaware or would like to use them then try them.
Hope this article helped you to get some more info on additional calculator features.