How to check your email has been hacked or compromised unknowingly
After hacking the bank account, the hacker was so disappointed, he started a fundraiser for the bank account.
How to know if my email has been actually hacked?
How to tell your friend's email account has been hacked?
How to secure a hacked or compromised Google Account?
Is someone spying on me?
Did my password leaked online?
No guarantee that your account hasn’t been hacked. There are few popular and useful websites those provides you the detail on whether your email has been actually compromised or leaked etc. with its brief like when and where.
If you would like to know whether your email has been leaked or compromised then you can use one of the following websites to visit and enter your email ID to know whether it has been hacked, when and where etc.
One of the best to cross check the email hack is the first one. Yes, it is Have I Been Pwned?.
Have I Been Pwned? ( - here you need to enter your email ID and check to know the detail. It will give you email ID status. Go through whole page to know the detail. In case if you have more than one email then check them all.
BreachAlarm (recently service discontinued -
Firefox Monitor ( - Same step more or less.
Identity Leak Checker (
Scattered Secrets (
Heroic (
As you are aware, everyday personal data is stolen through criminal cyber attacks thus you have to be very careful on this. Many innocent gets affected due to no or less knowledge about the cyber threat or safety and precautions.
A large part of the stolen information is sometime made public, where it may start for the illegal activities and you might be in trouble, later.
Like a reminder, I learned the subject process from TrueCyberSpace Campaign.
What are the solution?
You have to change your password immediately or quite often. (Strong password e.g. I*^3ld0jxb,swAioK5Ng$3&nBh~rdw#q) and (not the password as user name with 123 or abc or admin or admin456 or Password123 etc.). Hope you understand this and be serious.
Data Breach become normal these days. Password management is very important for all your access.
Stay tuned for more update on this.