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ABB launches next generation cobots to unlock automation for new sectors and first-time users

ABB is expanding its collaborative robot (cobot) portfolio with the new GoFa™ and SWIFTI™ cobot families, offering higher payloads and speeds, to complement YuMi® and Single Arm YuMi® in ABB’s cobot line-up. 

These stronger, faster and more capable cobots will accelerate the company’s expansion in high-growth segments including electronics, healthcare, consumer goods, logistics and food and beverage, amongst others, meeting the growing demand for automation across multiple industries.

GoFa™ and SWIFTI™ are intuitively designed so customers need not rely on in-house programming specialists. 

This will unlock industries that have low levels of automation, with customers able to operate their cobot within minutes of installation, straight out of the box, with no specialized training.

ABB’s cobot portfolio expansion is engineered to help existing and new robot users accelerate automation amid four key megatrends including individualized consumers, labor shortages, digitalization and uncertainty that are transforming business and driving automation into new sectors of the economy.  

The expansion follows the Business Area’s focus on high-growth segments through portfolio innovation, helping to drive profitable growth.   

ABB boosts YuMi® collaborative robot portfolio with GoFa™ and SWIFTI™ cobot families.

Eight out of ten workplaces say they will increase use of robots in the next decade, pandemic cited as catalyst for accelerating investment in automation.