How to make money online? Tips and guideline
Are you interested to know how to make money online using tech niche? If yes, please read this article for more detail.
You will get some answers to your query that commonly asked for, and you would get few unknown detail as well. Here you go for it.
There is huge competition for tech niche to increase traffic and earn money online these days as it has global competition as well beside increasing numbers of new websites and YouTube posts etc.
Still you can make money online in case if you are little out of the crowd. Yes, it has to be researched well, draft and publish the tech articles or tech news on-time that covers less by the other competitors when compare and you have chances of earning traffic and money more.
There are two methods to earn dollars online. One is blogging and the other one is vlogging. You have to decide it one of them if you are a newbie for it. If you are experienced on then you can do it both.
Make money from Blogging:
You have to decide well and create a blog / website (with a tech name domain) and contribute with the different tech subject post regularly. It is not that you can earn money within a day or week or a month.
You still need to contribute and wait for few months or even more than a year to get the fruitful result. Basic SEO (search engine optimization) is a must for text articles.
Few articles out of many from your website / blog might help it to get the traffic and slowly earn the revenue too.
For, revenue generation, it is better to wait for your blog to become at least three to six months old before applying for Google AdSense account and get approval to display their ads on your blog that helps to generate page impression and income beside.
You need to remember that there are huge tech blogs or websites that cover almost all the tech news and latest gadgets or software details.
Google AdSense is one the best and legit source to make money online. There are many top bloggers who make money online since long. The other one is like affiliate marketing either from Amazon or Flipkart etc.
Make money from YouTube:
The next one is, YouTube (or vlogging) where you can make money online. You need little experience to create the video about any tech or non-tech subject, better presentation is a must, demonstrate about the product, creative, editing and publishing etc. and more important to promote the YT video in various social media to get the viewers.
The more viewers from organic traffic, the more chances of earning out of it. This is one of the best way to make money online.
After few video publishing on YT, you can try to apply for AdSense as well or you can use the existing AdSense (if you got it from blog) to YouTube as well. Watch few YouTube videos to learn how the expert present, publish and earn
from the YT source. These days, it is very easy to become a Vlogger than Blogger.
Other than these sources to earning money, there are few other sources as well where you can easily make money. Yes, you can become a content / copy writer and sell it to online buyers' to earn out of it. You may have heard Google Pay or Tez app and this is one of the best one.
There are few offline sources as well to earn money though you need to use smartphone app for it. You can even become a freelancer so that you can have benefit.
Let's come to another point and guideline. You can create free blog from (of Google) or and enjoy the benefit of free account, template and hosting etc. and continue to post articles as much as you can without violation.
I would suggest you to go through few websites or YouTube that attract your niche to get some idea out of it. You can then create the website or YouTube video accordingly. Try to move step by step and do not violate (do's and don'ts) any policy or online ethic that might create a problem to you.
You can contact us in case if you want any further clarification. Stay tuned for more updates on this topic.