What is Internal link and its benefit
Internal link or interlink word is a famous in blogging world, this will benefit the blog’s by letting its visitor to stay on the blog for a couple of extra seconds or minutes etc. even if the visitor’s visited page doesn’t give enough or satisfied information and would like to go another attractive subject keyword page nearby by clicking it (internal link) on the clickable option given from the very same just visited webpage. The example of internal link is from this post that says above 'blogging world' that has an internal link which let visitor's to stay in the same blog if they click on it to read subject keyword information.
Here very important thing is that the internal link keyword or subject must be searchable or attractive one for the visitor’s to click on that interlink option or else they may even ignore it and move it to a different webpage or search. So, blog will face the visitor’s page return or bouncing rate issue etc. You must know how to create interlink in a right way to get organic traffic or else you may lose it. So, you also must know the best topic to write and get natural traffic.
It is better to have at least two internal links for around two hundred words or around. The interlinks also helps to get the first page on Google search list. The more interlinks blog have, the more chances of visitor’s stay for a long duration providing interesting keywords interlink on the page. Less or no interlink won’t help that much for the visitors until and unless some different clickable link is nearby with different tag or label or category than internal link for the same blog.
Image courtesy: www.moz.com
It is sometime really hard to create an internal link for the subject keywords by the bloggers due to no knowledge or not interested or no related subjects etc. So, that time they can at least create label types’ link nearby to attract the visitors though it may or may not help to the blog compare to interlink option. Furthermore, internal link URL must not be broken which may arise issue for your own blog even through search engine perspective. So, make sure that you check interlink after it is created to know whether it has any page error issue while clicking on it.
In addition, what is relevant or related internal link? It is nothing but if you would like to write about tours and travels then that webpage shall have tourist information. In that, if your tourist post shows non-tourist internal link which mostly may not be useful for the visitors and may not fetch the traffic but rare. It means internal link keywords must be relevant to the page or post which just attracted the visitors to come and read further by using its given internal link. Some of them use internal link to get traffic and revenue via commercial ads which benefits them out in real.
Difference between interlink and external link
What is the difference between internal link and external link? One has to know it to handle it accordingly. Interlink is benefited to blog than external link in many ways. Ok, internal link is just to direct a visitor’s to another webpage within the same blog and it counts additional stay and traffic whereas external link is re-routing the visitor’s to another external website page which loses the stay and traffic for the current blog, though that another blog or YouTube might be from the same blogger or a different blogger's website completely. It means, external link further stop stays and traffic to current blog and assisting to get traffic to other blog as promoting and benefiting it. Hope you learned few tips on interlink subject. You may follow accordingly.
What is the Pros and cons of internal link??
You can go through the below brief information on pros and cons of internal link
Pros of internal link
It helps visitor to stay further and go to another webpage within blog
Visitor’s return issue or bouncing rate issue stops
Additional traffic to the blog
No issue from search engine perspective
Cons of internal link
It takes time to create internal link
Wrong keywords interlink won’t benefit visitors and blog
It may affect when domain changed.